UNIT IX: Atomic and Nuclear Physics - Online Test

Q1. The mass of a 73Li nucleus is 0.042 u less than the sum of the masses of all its nucleons. The binding energy per nucleon of 73Li nucleus is nearly
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Δm = 0.042 u

Energy of 1u=931 MeV

B.E = 0.042 × 931

= 39.102 MeV

B.E / A = 39.102 / 7 = 5.6 MeV

Q2.  Mp denotes the mass of the proton and Mn denotes mass of a neutron. A given nucleus of binding energy B, contains Z protons and N neutrons. The mass M(N,Z) of the nucleus is given by(where c is the speed of light)
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

B = Δ mc2

B/c2 = Δm = NMn + ZMpM(N,Z)

Q3. A radioactive nucleus (initial mass number A and atomic number Z) emits 2α and 2 positrons. The ratio of number of neutrons to that of proton in the final nucleus will be
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

In finial nucleus,

Number of neutons:

NA = A – 8 – (Z – 6) = A – Z – 2

Number of protons:

Np = Z – 6

Nn / Np = [ A – Z – 2 ] / [Z – 6]

Q4. The half-life period of a radioactive element A is same as the mean life time of another radioactive element B. Initially both have the same number of atoms. Then
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

(T1/2)A = τB

0.693 / λA = 1/ λB

λA = 0.693 λB

λA  < λB

B will decay faster rate than A

Q5. A system consists of N0 nucleus at t=0. The number of nuclei remaining after half of a half-life (that is, at time t = 1/2 T1/2)
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

N = (1/2)n (N0)

For this case, n = (1/2)

So, N = N0/√2