The power electronic converter shown in the figure has a single-pole double-throw switch. The pole P of the switch is connected alternately to throws A and B. The converter shown is a _______
Answer : Option AExplaination / Solution: No Explaination.
Figure shows a composite switch consisting of a power transistor (BJT) in series with a diode. Assuming that the transistor switch and the diode are ideal , the I-V characteristic of the composite switch is
Answer : Option CExplaination / Solution: No Explaination.
The fully controlled thyristor converter in the figure is fed from a single-phase source. When the firing angle is 0°, the dc output voltage of the converter is 300V. What will be the output voltage for a firing angle of 60°, assuming continuous conduction?
Answer : Option AExplaination / Solution: No Explaination.
The TTL circuit shown in the figure is fed with the waveform X (also shown). All gates have equal propagation delay of 10ns. The output Y of the circuit is
Answer : Option AExplaination / Solution: No Explaination.
Q9.When a “CALL Addr” instruction is executed, the CPU carries out the following sequential operations internally:
(R) means content of register R
((R)) means content of memory location pointed to by R
PC means Program Counter
SP means Stack Pointer
Answer : Option DExplaination / Solution: No Explaination.