Q3.The following discrete-time equations result from the numerical integration of the differential equations of an un-damped simple harmonic oscillator with state variables x and y. The integration time step is h.
For this discrete-time system, which one of the following statements is TRUE?
Answer : Option AExplaination / Solution: No Explaination.
Q8.The output of a continuous-time, linear time-invariant system is denoted by T{x(t)} where x(t) is
the input signal. A signal z(t) is called eigen-signal of the system T , when T{z(t)} = γz(t),
where γ is a complex number, in general, and is called an eigenvalue of T. Suppose the impulse
response of the system T is real and even. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
Q9.Consider a causal LTI system characterized by differential equation The response of the system to the input where u(t) denotes the unit step
function, is