Digestion and Absorption - Online Test


In elephant and walrus, projecting tusks are :

Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

The projecting tusk of elephant and walrus are incisors and canines respectively. These teeth are not used for chewing food.


In the Enteric nervous system :
i. neurons of Myentric plexus regulates glandular secretions in GI tract.
ii. neurons of Meissner’s plexus regulates peristaltic waves.

Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

The enteric nervous system or ENS or intrinsic nervous system is one of the main nervous system of neuron that governs the functioning of gastrointestinal system.

Q3. Every cell contains DNA and when we consume plant /animal material , the DNA which reaches our digestive tract is digested by :
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Food material consists of plant or animal cells. Each cell contain DNA in their nucleus. Digestion of DNA takes place in small intestine by the action of enzyme succus entricus.

Q4. The process by which small electrolytes are absorbed
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Small amounts of monosacharides like glucose, amino acids and some of electrolytes like chloride ions are generally absorbed by simple diffusion.

Q5. That part of alimentary canal which is responsible for absorption of water, simple sugars and alcohol :
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Absorption in Different Parts of Digestive System: 

  • Mouth: Some drugs
  • Stomach: Water, simple sugars, alcohol, etc.
  • Small intestine: Final products of digestion; like glucose, fructose, fatty acids, glycerol, amino acids, etc
  • Large intestine: Water, minerals and some

Q6. Select which one is correctly matched pair :
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Some of the substances like fructose and some amino acids are absorbed with the help of the carrier ions like sodium ions. This mechanism is called the facilitated transport.

Q7. Absorption of food takes place in stomach as well as intestine but villi are present in intestine only because :
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Villi increases the surface area thereby increasing the absorption of food.The villi also contain lymph vessels for absorbing the products of fat-digestion. From the blood stream, the absorbed food is finally delivered to each and every cell of the body. The mucosal walls of the stomach form irregular folds known as rugae.These help in increasing the surface area to volume ratio of the expanding stomach.

Q8. Absorption of fats takes place through :
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Lymph are the extracellular fluid that constitute the lymphatic system in human body. Absorption of fats takes place through lymphatic ducts. As fats cannot be carried through narrow capillaries.

Q9. All are digestive glands except :
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Liver, pancrease and salivary gland are digestive gland that release enzymes for digestion of food but thyroid gland release thyroxin hormone that help in metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.


Trans fats :
i. they are found in most processed and fast foods for eg. French fries.
ii. they help food stay fresh for long time.
iii. they are much better type of fat than the saturated fats.

Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Trans fats are hydrogenated fats which makes the oil more solid. They are found in most processed and fast foods. They help food stay fresh for long time.