Chemical Coordination and Integration - Online Test

Q1. The hormone causing release of milk after the birth of young one is :

Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Mammary glands start releasing milk after parturition. The hormone causing release of milk after the birth of young one is Oxytocin.

Q2. Thermostat for the body is :

Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

The body keeps its core temperature constant at about 37o Celsius by physiological adjustment controlled by hypothalamus, so called thermostat center.

Q3. Hormone which acts on hypothalamus to decrease food intake, stimulate satiety and increase energy output is :
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Leptin hormone acts on hypothalamus to decrease food intake, stimulate satiety and increase energy output. Leptin hormone is made by adipose cells.


Match the following :

Hormone Target tissue/cell
a) Follicle stimulating hormone i) liver
b) Luteinising hormone ii) kidney tubule
c) Cortisol iii)sertoli cells
d) Aldosterone iv) interstitial cells

Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Follicle stimulating hormone acts on sertoli cells. Luteinsing hormone acts on interstitial cells. Cortisol cells acts on liver and Aldosterone hormone acts on kidney tubule.

Q5. Read the following : i. Major pineal hormone is melatonin. ii. In human beings, melatonin secretion increases in light and decreases in dark. iii. Abnormally high levels of melatonin in children causes delayed sexual development.
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. In helps regulate other hormones and maintains the body circadian rhythm. Abnormally high levels of melatonin is children causes delayed sexual development.

Q6. Insulin is _____ hormone
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Insulin is anabolic hormone because this hormone helps in conversion of glucose into glycogen.

Q7. Which of the following hormones will stimulate gluconeogenesis?
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Glucocorticoids stimulate gluconeogenesis. Similarly, glucagon also stimulates the process of gluconeogenesis which also contributes to hyperglycemia.

Q8. Shekhar is 3 years old and he lives in hilly areas. He has swollen neck :

i. He is suffering from goitre caused due to iodine deficiency which may lead to cretinism.
ii. Goitre may lead him to myxoedema and Grave’s disease in future.
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

The persons living in hilly areas generally suffer from goiter disease. Goiter is caused due to iodine deficiency which may leads to cretinism. Goiter never leads to myxedemaor hypothyroidism.

Q9. A chemical acts slowly, requiring hours to take effect. It may pass in and out of many cells in which they have no effect. When they find appropriate receptor in their target cell they bind to it. Chemical is :
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Aldosterone hormone is a chemical that acts slowly, require hours to take effect. It may pass in and out of many cells in which they have no effect. When they find appropriate receptor in their target cell they bind to it to bring about changes.


Match the following :

a) Adrenalinei) birth hormone
b) Oxytocinii) moulting hormone
c) Ecdysoniii)luteotropic hormone
d) Prolactiniv) fight or flight hormone
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Adrenaline hormone is called fight and flight hormone. Oxytocin is called birth hormone. Ecdyson is called moulting hormone and prolactin is called as luteotropic hormone.