Read the following code: Identify the purpose
of this code and choose the right option from the following.
– version
Read the following code: Identify the purpose
of this code and choose the right option from the following.
Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts>pip list
To install matplotlib, the following function
will be typed in your command prompt. What does “-U”represents?
Read the code:
a. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
b. plt.plot(3,2)
Identify the right type of chart using the
following hints.
Hint 1: This chart is often used to visualize a
trend in data over intervals of time.
Hint 2: The line in this type of chart is often
drawn chronologically.
Read the statements given below. Identify the
right option from the following for pie chart.
Statement A: To make a pie chart with
Matplotlib, we can use the plt.pie() function.
Statement B: The autopct parameter allows us to
display the percentage value using the Python string formatting.