Answer : Option BExplaination / Solution:
The first man to witness a live cell under a microscope was Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who in 1674 described the algae Spirogyra. Van Leeuwenhoek probably also saw bacteria.
Answer : Option AExplaination / Solution:
Cytoskeleton is a series of intercellular proteins that help a cell with shape, support andmovement. So, cytoskeleton is made up of proteinaceous filaments.
Answer : Option CExplaination / Solution:
Mitochondria contain cristae, finger like projection of inner layer, thylakoid is present in chloroplast and lysosome is a digestive enzyme but RNA is absent in Chromosome.
Answer : Option BExplaination / Solution:
Mitochondria are present in both plant as well as animal cells. Plastids and central vacuoles are present in plant cells and centrioles are present in only animal cells.
Answer : Option DExplaination / Solution:
Animal cell do not possess plasmodesmata but it contain ribosomes, centriole andplamalemma. Plasmodesmata is the connection between two plant cells.
Q7.The ability of a living somatic nucleated cell to form the complete organism is called
Answer : Option DExplaination / Solution:
Cellular Totipotency is the ability of a single cell to produce all cell types and to organise them into an entire organism when cultured in a suitable culture medium at appropriate temperature and aeration conditions. Spores and Zygote are examples of totipotent cells.
Q8.The most recent and accepted model of plasma membrane is
Answer : Option AExplaination / Solution:
Fluid-Mosaic model is the most recent and accepted model of plasma membrane. This model was proposed by Singer and Nicolson in 1972. The quasi-fluid nature of lipid enables lateral movement of proteins with in the overall bilayer.
Q9.Each centriole is surrounded by dense amorphous protoplasmic masses called
Answer : Option BExplaination / Solution:
All animal cell have two small organelles called centrioles. Each centriole is surrounded by dense amorphous protoplasmic masses called Massules.
Q10.The photograph or diagram of metaphasic chromosome arranged in homologous pair according to their length and thickness, position of centromere is called
Answer : Option DExplaination / Solution:
Idiogram is a diagrammatic or systematized representation of the chromosome complement of an individual, species, or other group of organisms, indicating the number of chromosomes and their lengths, arm length ratio, centromere position, banding pattern.
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