Q1.Consider a single degree-of-freedom system with viscous damping excited by a harmonic
force. At resonance, the phase angle (in degree) of the displacement with respect to the
exciting force is
Answer : Option CExplaination / Solution: No Explaination.
Q3.A mass m1 of 100 kg travelling with a uniform velocity of 5 m/s along a line collides with a
stationary mass m2 of 1000 kg. After the collision, both the masses travel together with the
same velocity. The coefficient of restitution is
Q4.A minimal spanning tree in network flow models involves
Answer : Option BExplaination / Solution:
A path forms a loop or cycle if it connects a node itself. A spanning tree links all the nodes of
network with no loops allowed.
Q7.Consider a long cylindrical tube of inner and outer radii, ri and ro, respectively, length, L
and thermal conductivity, k. Its inner and outer surfaces are maintained at Ti and To,
respectively (Tii > To). Assuming one-dimensional steady state heat conduction in the
radial direction, the thermal resistance in the wall of the tube is
Q9.Gear 2 rotates at 1200 rpm in counter clockwise direction and engages with Gear 3. Gear 3
and Gear 4 are mounted on the same shaft. Gear 5 engages with Gear 4. The numbers of teeth
on Gears 2, 3, 4 and 5 are 20, 40, 15 and 30, respectively. The angular speed of Gear 5 is