Interpersonal Skills - Online Test

Q1. How Well Do You Handle Pressure?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Being able to handle pressure is an indispensable tool in life. Employers want someone that can handle deadlines and difficult demands. So the only way to answer this question is to say that you handle pressure especially well. Of course you will need to give an example of a situation in which you thrived under pressure.

Q2. Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

This question is used to gauge your mid-term goals and see if you are going to stick around if they hire you. You don’t want to say that you see yourself working for another company in five years. The best answer to this question is to say that you hope that you will still be with the company but in a role with more responsibilities.

Q3. What Did You Dislike About Your Previous Job?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

It’s okay to not like all aspects of your job.  But do not use this as an opportunity to get on the soap box and rant about how much you disliked your last job.  Instead, pick one thing that you did not like and extrapolate on it.  Do not talk about something that is the core foundation of your job function.  For instance, if you are an accountant, you can’t really say you hated the number crunching aspect of your job and wished things were more automated.

To answer this question, pick something about the way your work or organization was structured.  For instance, you can say that your previous employer was extremely inefficient in the way work was assigned.

Q4. What Did You Like About Your Previous Job?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

In this question, you are free to express what things you really liked about your previous job. Do not be afraid to talk passionately about the things you loved. Passion radiates and gives off good vibes.

Q5. Have You Ever Gotten Frustrated at Work? If So, What Did You Do?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Everyone gets frustrated at work so it is okay for you to say that work has frustrated you at times. But the key is to show your potential employer that you are able to handle your frustration in a constructive manner. A good way to answer this question is to say that you stepped out for a little break to gather your thoughts and talked about what frustrated you once you are no longer emotional and are able to put things in perspective.

Q6. What Are You Looking For in a Job?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

When answering this question, do not come off as high maintenance. What you look for in a job shouldn’t be much more than a safe, respectful, and comfortable workplace and a job that is fun, challenging, and allows you to grow professionally (and personally).

Q7. How Do You Juggle Multiple Responsibilities?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

This question is used to measure multi-tasking abilities. Granted, multi-tasking is not the most efficient way of doing things but it is a required skill in today’s fast-paced work environment. To answer this question, you must show the interviewer that you are able to prioritize what the most important tasks are. You should also mention that you do not ever compromise quality when handling multiple priorities at once.

Q8. What Are Your Expectations of a Supervisor?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Your supervisor’s role is to supervise and manage, not babysit or assist you with technical matters.  So when describing your expectations of a supervisor, be sure to create realistic expectations for the supervisor.  Some good example answers to this interview question might be:

  • I think a supervisor should have an open line of communication with their employees and be someone that their employees can approach with new ideas and insights about work-related matters.
  • I think a supervisor should be fair in judging the performance of all employees.  In addition, I think the supervisor should have some inherent trust in his or her team and vice versa.

Q9. Are You Willing to Relocate?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Most rank-and-file jobs will not require you to relocate. However, if you go into management, there may be a chance that you will be required to. Whether the job involves a possible chance of relocation or not will usually be on the job announcement itself. So when asked this question, it is important to not completely rule out relocation. You can say that you are willing to relocate under circumstances or give a flat out “yes” to the answer. It would not be wise to say “no” to this question, even if you are in fact unwilling to relocate. Chances are that you will not relocate if relocation was not made clear on the job announcement.

Q10. What Are You Passionate About?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

You can use this question to showcase what is important in your life and what you value most. Your passion does not have to be work-related. It is okay to take some time to think about it but you should never say “I don’t have a passion.” You can say something as general as being passionate about your family and loved ones.