Q8.Suppose you have a glass of milk and with a measuring glass you continue to add half a c.c. of plain tea at every step, till your friend reports a change in judgment in the color of the milk. The quantity of tea added, has just crossed what is just termed as
Answer : Option BExplaination / Solution: No Explaination.
Q9.Suppose one Experimenter (E) in psychol-ogy firmly believes that Brahmin children are inherently superior to the Harijan chil-dren. Naturally he would never think of home environment as an explanation. This is a very obvious example of
Answer : Option AExplaination / Solution: No Explaination.
Q10.Which one of the following approaches tries to analyze human behavior in terms of stimulus-response units acquired through the process of learning, mainly through instrumental conditioning?
Answer : Option CExplaination / Solution: No Explaination.
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